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Title: Administración y monitorización de una red para contribución de vídeo SRT entre dos centros de producción de televisión
Author: Gómez Líndez, José Manuel
Tutor: Martín Mateo, Miguel
Abstract: IP networks and their communication protocols have evolved to make broadband connections commonplace, becoming a real alternative for video distribution in TV production facilities. Thanks to the Internet, it is possible to replace dedicated video networks with IP networks for real-time streaming video contributions. This implies a reduction in costs and deployment time. On the other hand, the challenge is to guarantee the integrity of the service while maintaining a constant high bandwidth over time. With this in mind, the assumption for this TFG is to define the network topology, connection and configuration necessary to allow a broadcaster centre to make a real-time video contribution to other production centre(s) over the Internet. The application environment for this dissertation will be simulated using virtualization software. A monitoring tool will be created that will show the relevant metrics of the equipment. It will allow to define the possible failures suffered by the system and the point where it will be necessary to intervene to solve them
Keywords: network virtualization
network monitoring
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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