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Title: La Morena. Nueva oportunidad de negocio del café gourmet en Colombia
Author: Castañeda Vega, Luis Guillermo  
Tutor: Méndez-Aparicio, M Dolores  
Others: Cerdan-Chiscano, Monica  
Abstract: The gourmet coffee market in Colombia has seen a rise in domestic consumption, with 88% of the population enjoying this beverage at least once a week and an average of 38 kilograms of coffee per household per year (National Federation of Coffee Growers, 2021). The demand for premium and excelso coffee brands has significantly increased, reflecting a 55% growth in the special coffee market during the 2021-2022 period (Forero, 2023). In urban areas, the consumption of coffee in specialty shops is booming. In this favorable scenario, Huila emerges as a key special coffee producer, contributing around 20% of the national coffee production (La Nación, 2022), and La Plata, home to La Morena, stands out for its high-quality coffee. La Morena, a special coffee shop in La Plata, Huila, is recognized for its unique combination of coffee tradition and modernity. Over a decade, it has adapted its offerings to the market, including adopting technologies to optimize operations and enrich its menu. The shop offers a culinary experience centered on coffee culture, with a wide range of espresso-based drinks, cold options, and bold combinations, as well as a selection of high-quality sweet and savory snacks. La Morena aims to strengthen its digital presence and improve visibility and recognition in the digital market, targeting an enriching and authentic consumption experience for its customers. Thus, the document develops a digital marketing plan for La Morena through several key sections. It includes a market analysis examining current trends and the demand for gourmet coffee in Colombia and Huila. It then focuses on defining marketing objectives, identifying the target audience, and creating a unique value proposition. It also addresses specific digital marketing strategies, such as the use of social networks, content marketing, and SEO techniques. Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of measuring and evaluating the performance of digital marketing activities.
Keywords: gourmet coffee
special coffee
digital marketing
coffee tradition
consumption experience
digital strategies
market analysis
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 28-Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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