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Title: De Isis a María: un ejemplo de sincretismo religioso. Evolución iconográfica de la Diosa Madre desde el antiguo Egipto hasta el cristianismo
Author: Urios de la Iglesia, José Ramón  
Tutor: García Zamacoma, Carlos
Abstract: The Virgin Mary, one of the main pillars of the Christian religion, is not an ex nihilo creation of this religion, but had its origin in previous divinities that we can go back to the Egyptian Isis. Both her characteristics as a divine mother and the iconography that has represented her over more than four millennia lead us to conclude that the mother of Jesus is an example of religious syncretism from which no religious corpus is exempt. From the first Egyptian dynasties, passing through Ptolemaic Hellenism, Roman civilization and the Byzantine Empire, it has reached our days as a vitally important character in Western culture. One of its most common representations, the "lactating Isis", in which she breastfeeds her son Horus, was assumed by later civilizations until it became the Christian "Virgin of the milk", also known in Byzantine times as Galaktotrophoussa. This particular iconography has undergone very few changes throughout its entire history.
Keywords: Isis
mother goddess
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 15-Feb-2023
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