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Title: La función de la traducción en las instituciones europeas. Análisis de la calidad en la traducción y la interpretación en la Comisión Europea
Author: Oliver Hurtado, Irene
Tutor: Company Borràs, Marta
Abstract: International communication plays an essential role in today's society, since it allows people, organizations, companies and countries to connect and collaborate globally. In this paper we will focus on the European Commission and on the very important responsibility of providing quality translation and interpretation services to avoid any controversy due a wrong expression of the content of official documents or because speeches are not correctly translated or contain very important errors that could harm international cooperation. The challenges presented by the variety of documents and services that require a translator or interpreter lead us to analyze in depth the translation tools and resources provided to these professionals, the mistakes that can be made during the process and the consequences of providing a low-quality service. The goal is to find any possible solution so the translator or interpreter is aware of the opportunities to improve and self-critical in order to continue learning and be able to reach the highest level of quality in their service.
Keywords: traducción e interpretación
instituciones europeas
Comisión Europea
Unión Europea
análisis de la interpretación
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 14-Mar-2023
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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