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Title: Programa nutricional per l'optimització de la recuperació en corredors d'elit d'ultra-resistència post-competició
Author: Bruch Adelantado, Laura
Tutor: Serra Paya, Noemi  
Abstract: Elite athletes engaging in ultra-endurance competitions subject themselves to extreme conditions, experiencing heightened physiological stress, energy depletion and muscle damage. Effective recovery post-competition is necessary for optimal preparation for future challenges. Nutrition plays an important role during this recovery period, with a focus on the anabolic window and supplementation for enhanced recovery. For this reason, the intervention design proposes a stratified randomized blind clinical trial to assess the impact of a scientifically based nutritional intervention on analytics data and fatigue perception in elite athletes participating in the CCC Mont Blanc race (according to UTMB ranking). Informed and consenting athlete participation is ensured. The intervention group undergoes a nutritional intervention that involves pre and post competition supplementation, specific nutrients intake during anabolic window and specific intake the following week. Both groups create a register of other recovery strategies such as recovery activities and massages. The evaluation is done pre and post intervention using same tests (blood analysis, urine analysis, electrocardiogram, weight control and fatigue perception with the Perceived Recovery and Muscular pain Scale). Data analysis utilizes StatGraphics software. The expectation is that athletes following the designed nutritional intervention will exhibit improved recovery values.
Keywords: intervention design
ultra endurance
muscular damage
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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