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Títol: Delirium in geriatric rehabilitation: the continued case of B.M
Autoria: Gual, Neus  
Norberta Nicolas, Cristina
Inzitari, Marco  
Resum: For the purpose of this article, please remember that B.M. was admit-ted to geriatric rehabilitation after his acute hospitalization due to his neck fracture of the left femur and sepsis (Escherichia Coli ESBL +). SearchStrategyA narrative review of delirium in geriatric rehabilitation is presented in this paper by reviewing studies that have examined delirium in these facili-ties, including intermediate care hospitals, geriatric rehabilitation hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and post-acute care facilities. Though this is a nar-rative review, our search was not based on a systematic search strategy, but on an established approach for selecting the latest knowledge in the field, in addition to already published work that was already well-known in the field. After an overview of the different types of these settings, their general objectives, the main characteristics of the patients admitted there, and the estimated prevalence of delirium, literature evidence will be re-viewed supporting the following: (1) peculiarities related to delirium in geri-atric rehab, such as its manifestations and symptoms, delirium subtypes, duration and outcomes; (2) challenges in diagnosing delirium in such set-tings, and (3) strategies for preventing it. For this purpose, our search has been conducted in PubMed Database using the following search terms: delirium, post-acute, geriatric rehab, intermediate care, and skilled nursing facilities. In this review, articles published in English in the last 10 years were included and, based on clinical criteria and clinical management experts (authors of the manuscript), articles that were really oriented to the setting and the objective of the review were selected. In addition, the references of the selected articles were also examined during the review process in case any further articles of interest had emerged. Initially, 31 articles were identified between 2013 and 2023. As a result of the complete review, 21 original articles were selected for inclusion in the review.
Paraules clau: delirium
geriatric rehab
persistent delirium
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Data de publicació: 14-mar-2023
Llicència de publicació: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/  
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