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Title: Gestor de cites: eAgenda
Author: Simon Aguilera, Victor
Tutor: Grau Perisé, Albert
Others: Caballe Llobet, Santi
Abstract: This project, within the Java EE area, for the computer engineering degree, consists of developing a proof of concept for a web application that allows managing the appointment calendar of a person or a company. The project offers interested parties the available dates to schedule a meeting between two parties or to book an appointment for a service. Consequently, what this project contributes is avoiding the usual long chain of communication required to coordinate an appointment through emails, messages, or phone calls. The management and development of the project were carried out following the waterfall method. The stages the project went through were the definition, analysis and design, implementation, and finally the report and presentation. The project served to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the degree, especially those acquired in the software engineering track. The main conclusions drawn are, on the one hand, that the learning curve for a project that requires frontend, backend, and infrastructure takes a lot of time to acquire the knowledge and understand the different parts; and, on the other hand, that managing a project with the waterfall method is difficult to follow to the letter, as problems or requirements arise during the implementation of the project that were not considered in the analysis.
Keywords: Java EE
Spring Boot
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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