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Títol: Imagining Macondo: Interacting with García Márquez's Literary Landscape
Autoria: Graeme Forbes, Angus
Burbano Valdes, Andres  
Murray, Paul
Legrady, George
Citació: Forbes, A. G. [Angus], Burbano, A. [Andres], Murray, P. [Paul], & Legrady, G. [George](2015). Imagining Macondo: Interacting with García Márquez's Literary Landscape. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 35(5), 12-19.
Resum: Imagining Macondo is a public artwork that commemorates Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel García Márquez. It was first showcased at the Bogota International Book Fair in April 2015 to an audience of more than 300,000 over the course of two weeks. The project involved extensive collaboration between an international team of artists, designers, and programmers. This article explores the historical and artistic contexts for the creation of the work, discusses the audience reception to the work, and describes the significant software and production requirements necessary to create an installation with thousands of participants and hundreds of thousands of viewers.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/MCG.2015.105
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Versió del document: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Data de publicació: 1-set-2015
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