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Title: Guia per al bon ús de les xarxes socials a les administracions públiques
Author: Molero Martínez, Mireia
Tutor: Rizo García, Marta  
Abstract: Social networks have revolutionized the way in which public administrations communicate with citizens. These platforms offer a direct and effective way to disseminate information, receive feedback and improve transparency. Through them, governments can publish important announcements, policy updates and events, and respond to real-time community queries and concerns. This two-way interaction not only strengthens the relationship between public administration and citizens, but also promotes greater civic participation. However, the management of social networks in public administration also involves challenges. One of the main ones is information management and the fight against disinformation. The speed at which fake news spreads can undermine the credibility of public institutions. In this TFM I have tried to collect all those elements that we must take into account when working on social networks in a Public Administration through a simple and attractive document (Guide for the good use of social networks in public administrations). This document is the explanatory report in which all the information I have been collecting is extensively exposed: data, studies, guides, statements by interviewed professionals, citations of works and articles of interest that have finally served to condense me in the final product that is the Guide for the good use of social networks in public administrations.
Keywords: public administration
social networks
public management
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 15-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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