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Title: Fuel Price: desarrollo de una aplicación Android
Author: Rodríguez Layos, Jesús
Tutor: Escuer Latorre, David
Almirall López, Jordi
Others: Garrigues, Carles  
Abstract: The purpose of this Bachelor's Thesis is to comprehensively expose the workflow from the requirements gathering to the publication of the application. The project aims to help those users who need to know the price of fuel in the places where they travel the most. The project begins with the definition of the UCD (User-Centered Design), by carrying out a questionnaire to several people to determine the key characteristics of the same; and a benchmarking analysis to highlight the positive and negative elements of the competition. Subsequently, the conceptual design is made from the questionnaires carried out, continuing with the conceptualisation of these in the final prototype, which will be used for the coding of the user interfaces. Then, the technical design is elaborated, in charge of defining the diagrams that will be used by the programme, as well as the architecture. Also, the use cases that the application will have are identified. As a software solution, an application for Android devices is presented, which shows a list of service stations in the vicinity, with the possibility of viewing them on a map. It also has a search engine that allows searches to be carried out by city, showing the stations related to that locality. In conclusion, this report details the route taken to develop an Android application, from the implementation of User-Centered Design techniques, through the design of the interfaces, to the coding of the software.
Keywords: Kotlin
Jetpack Compose
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Jul-2024
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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jesusrodriguezTFG0624manual.pdfManual13,27 MBAdobe PDFThumbnail
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jesusrodriguezTFG0624presentacion.pdfPresentación19,01 MBAdobe PDFThumbnail


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jesusrodriguezTFG0624fuelprice.apkFuel price20,2 MBUnknownView/Open
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