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Title: El Circo romano en la Península Ibérica y el vínculo con el poder y la política
Author: Egurrola Zubizarreta, Ander
Tutor: Pérez González, Jordi
Abstract: Through the following pages, the link between the roman circus and the political power in the Iberian Peninsula it's going to be analyzed. Since the Republican Period, games were celebrated in Rome, but it would be specially in the Ist and in the 2nd centuries A. D.. This was the period when more ludi circenses were held in the roman circuses of the Peninsula. Emperors and different Roman magistrates were the ones that promoted not only the building of these buildings, but also the cost of the games. The reasons for assuming this financial burden and the people behind these actions are also going to be studied. For this task, historical written and material sources are going to be reviewed, highlighting the study of mosaics and epigraphs. Even if they are going to be mentioned and even analyzed, the circuses that are going to be deeply discussed are the ones that can be found in Tarragona, Merida, Ecija, Córdoba and Toledo. With these examples, an approach to the Roman society´s mentality can be done in the centuries that they ruled the Iberian Peninsula.
Keywords: roman circus, politics, cult, evergetism, Iberian Peninsula
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 25-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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