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Title: La irrupció del castellà en un institut de Lleida: esdevindrà la llengua habitual de l’alumnat? Estudi realitzat a l’alumnat de 1r i 2n de Batxillerat
Author: Raidó Benavent, Roger
Director: Poyo Serentill, Elisabet
Tutor: Poyo Serentill, Elisabet
Abstract: The official language of the Spanish state is Spanish, even so, in some autonomous communities, there are languages that, together with Spanish, have been declared official languages of that autonomous community. This is the case, for example, of Catalonia, where Catalan is also the native language. Moreover, in addition to being the mother tongue of 31.9% of young Catalans, this is the common language used in the education system. That said, the Enquesta a la Joventut de Catalunya, carried out in 2022, shows that Catalan is the usual language of only 25.1% of young people, compared to 43.1% in 2007. This fact is going to study in a secondary school in Lleida, where non-participant observation has shown that Spanish is used very frequently by pupils. At the same time that the situation of Catalan in this place is revealed, the variables that determine the linguistic choice in the school of the baccalaureate students are known, such as the mother tongue, the usual language (inside and outside the school), the identification language, the references they have and the language they use, their most frequent environments and the language they use there, the code switching with Spanish speakers or immigrants and the linguistic awareness they have. Finally, the study closes with an interview with some teachers who assess this situation.
Keywords: Catalan, Spanish, usual language, baccalaureate, Lleida
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 11-Jun-2024
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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