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Título : Auscultation techniques of constituent materials of monuments and ancient constructions: Immediate techniques and instrumental techniques
Autoría: Rodríguez Elizalde, Rubén  
Citación : Elizalde, R. [Rubén]. (2022). Auscultation Techniques of Constituent Materials of Monuments and Ancient Constructions: Immediate Techniques and Instrumental Techniques. J mate poly sci, 2022; 2(4): 1-14.
Resumen : Heritage monuments and ancient constructions are complex and delicate. Its conservation is vital for its subsistence and durability; its conservation is a challenge from a technical point of view. An early and adequate diagnosis of any pathological lesion in a monument is key to its maintenance and preservation. For this, auscultation techniques are necessary that allow a quick and effective diagnosis, but above all that is not harmful to its constituent materials. With this premise, from the author’s experience, this article exposes the most accessible and recommended immediate and instrumental techniques to be used directly on a monument. With them, an adequate pathological diagnosis of the monument can be made, locating possible lesions before they manifest or develop too much, and their removal becomes complicated.
Palabras clave : heritage preservation
pathological diagnosis monuments
Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Versión del documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Fecha de publicación : 6-dic-2022
Licencia de publicación: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/es/  
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