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Título : The problem of socio-territorial inequality in cultural policies: Unveiling policy frames through Barcelona policies (2019-2023)
Autoría: Zamorano Barrios, Mariano Martín  
Barbieri, Nicolás  
Citación : Zamorano Barrios, M. M. [Mariano Martín], Barbieri Muttis, N. [Nicolás]. (2025). The problem of socio-territorial inequality in cultural policies: Unveiling policy frames through Barcelona policies (2019-2023). Poetics, 108:101963. doi: 10.1016/j.poetic.2024.101963
Resumen : This article examines how cultural policy frames embody and shape inequalities in cultural participation within urban settings. It explores both historical and contemporary policy frames, scrutinizing various approaches to cultural democratization and intersectional equity. From this perspective, we study how the cultural policies advanced by the Barcelona City Council framed inequalities in urban cultural participation and access to culture. The research employs thematic analysis of Barcelona's cultural policy documents and relevant stakeholder interviews to evaluate these frames' problem definition, prognosis, and collective action components. On this basis, the article identifies three main policy frames: constitutive, participatory, and intersectional, which are contrasted with policies implemented in the city from 2019 to 2023, including both pre- and post-COVID-19. The results reveal that although the local administration's policy frame broadly aligns with strategies and narratives of multidimensional participation and pro-intersectional equity frames, it also embeds tensions within and between specific social stratification and constitutive components of cultural policy design.
Palabras clave : cultural policy
social inequality
Policy frames
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poetic.2024.101963
Tipo de documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Versión del documento: info:eu-repo/semantics/embargoedAccess
Fecha de publicación : feb-2025
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