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Title: Open Access at Springer
Author: Lettenstorm, Frans
Others: Jornadas OS-Repositorios (4as : 2010 : Barcelona)
Citation: Lettenstorm, Frans (2010). "Open Access at Springer". 4as Jornadas OS-Repositorios. Barcelona 3-5 marzo de 2010. <>
Abstract: Scientific Publishing Original reports of data/theory Assert priority Correspondence between scientists Paper making technology (China 105) Movable-type printing (China 1040) Gutenbergâ¿ printing technology (Korea <1403) Silver & gold from America (1492-) The two first scientific journals (1665) Philosophical Transactions (London) Journal des Savants (Paris)
Keywords: Scientific publishing
Document type: Conference lecture
Issue Date: 4-Mar-2010
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:4es Jornades OS-REPOSITORIOS (Barcelona, 3-5 març 2010)

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