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Title: Instrumentos de gestión para el Depósito digital de la UAB
Author: Azorín Millaruelo, Cristina
Casaldàliga Rojas, Núria
Others: Jornadas OS-Repositorios (4as : 2010 : Barcelona)
Citation: Azorín-Millaruelo, Cristina; Casaldàliga, Núria (2010). "Instrumentos de gestión para el Depósito digital de la UAB". 4as Jornadas OS-Repositorios. Barcelona 3-5 marzo de 2010. <>
Abstract: The UAB Library Service manages a digital repository that meets the expectations generated by an institutional repository that acts at the same time to facilitate the search and retrieval of the digital library. The diverse nature of the collections, in origin and format has forced us to use specific management tools to establish the channels, methods and procedures. We would like to share our experience; both in terms of creating a single repository can manage all our digital collections, as well as the chosen work methodology.
Keywords: Work methodology
Document type: Conference lecture
Issue Date: 5-Mar-2010
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:4es Jornades OS-REPOSITORIOS (Barcelona, 3-5 març 2010)

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