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Title: Comparing Random-based and k-Anonymity-Based Algorithms for Graph Anonymization
Author: Casas-Roma, Jordi  
Torra, Vicenç  
Herrera-Joancomartí, Jordi  
Citation: Casas, J.;Herrera, J.;Torra, V.. (2012). "Proceedings in The 9th International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.". A:Torra, V.;Narukawa, Y.;López, B.;Villaret, M..Comparing Random-based and k-Anonymity-Based Algorithms for Graph Anonymization.GIRONA.Springer-Verlag. Pág. 197 - 209. ISBN: 978-3-642-34619-4.
Abstract: Recently, several anonymization algorithms have appeared for privacy preservation on graphs. Some of them are based on random- ization techniques and on k-anonymity concepts. We can use both of them to obtain an anonymized graph with a given k-anonymity value. In this paper we compare algorithms based on both techniques in order to obtain an anonymized graph with a desired k-anonymity value. We want to analyze the complexity of these methods to generate anonymized graphs and the quality of the resulting graphs.
Keywords: Social networks
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Issue Date: 1-Nov-2012
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Appears in Collections:Articles cientÍfics
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