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Resultados 131-140 de 183.
Registros encontrados:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2008An ontology to automated learning scenarios? An approach to its knowledge domainRius, Àngels; Sicilia Urbán, Miguel Ángel; Garcia Barriocanal, Elena
2010-07-22Un marco formal para la presentación de escenas educativas reutilizablesRius, Àngels; Conesa, Jordi; Garcia Barriocanal, Elena
2015-01-01Metaanálisis de la investigación sobre MOOC en el período 2013-2014Sangrà, Albert; González Sanmamed, Mercedes; Anderson, Terry
2022-02-21Supporting leadership development in European Universities: a mixed methods study of digital education leadership literacies for higher educationArnold, Deborah; Sangrà, Albert
2021-02-09Capacity development through digital informal learning experiences: An exploration of the entrepreneurial competency development of self-employed Canadian mothers using a learning ecologies frameworkJohnson, Nicole; Sangrà, Albert; González Sanmamed, Mercedes
2015-03-30Teacher collaboration network in higher education: reflective visions from praxisRomeu, Teresa; Guitert, Montse; Sangrà, Albert
2013-07Do UOC students fit in the net generation profile? An approach to their habits in ICT useRomero Carbonell, Marc; Guitert, Montse; Sangrà, Albert; Bullen, Mark; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC); Commonwealth of Learning
2010-09-15Determinants of the educational use of digital learning materials: The mediating role of self-efficacy, perceived norm and attitudeVan Acker, Frederik; Van Buuren, Hans; Kreijns, Karel; Vermeulen, Marjan
2018-06-21Learner agency in online task-based language learning for spoken interactionKnight, Janine; Barbera, Elena; Dooly, Melinda
2018-02-01Navigational acts and discourse: fostering learner agency in computer-assisted language learningKnight, Janine; Barbera, Elena; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)