Artículos 386

Articles publicats en revistes.
Artículos publicados en revistas.
Published journal articles.
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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 386

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2020-08-02Student teachers’ positioning with regard to their key learning experiences in the first practicumGiralt Romeu, Mireia; Liesa, Eva; Mayoral, Paula; Becerril, Lorena
2020-12-02A dialogical self approach to the conceptualisation of teacher-inquirer identityBadia, Antoni; Liesa, Eva; Becerril, Lorena; Mayoral, Paula
2016Trade-Off between Effectiveness and Equity? An Analysis of Social Sorting between Classrooms and between SchoolsFerrer-Esteban, Gerard
2012Desigualdades territoriales en España e Italia. Nuevas evidencias a partir de la evaluación PISA 2009Donato, Luisa; Ferrer-Esteban, Gerard
2019Autonomia de centre i rendició de comptes: una agenda internacional amb múltiples respostes escolarsVerger, Antoni; Ferrer-Esteban, Gerard
2023-11-14Challenging the protest paradigm and winning legitimacy. Analysis of the representation of the social movement against femicide in the mainstream media in MexicoAldrete, Mariana
2023-08-27Exploring the power of imagination: unravelling students’ self-perception of academic abilities in imaginative and traditional schools in GreeceMavrelos, Emmanouil; Daradoumis, Thanasis; Arguedas, Marta; Kotsampopoulos, Panos
2023-07-24Generating metainferences in mixed methods research: A worked example in convergent mixed methods designsYounash, Ahtisham; Fàbregues, Sergi; Creswell, John
2023-08-27The necropolitics of expendability: migrant farm workersduring COVID-19Kotsila, Panagiota; Arguelles, Lucia
2023-07-12Standing up to Hollywood: the Netflix glocal strategy for popularising non-English-language series worldwideNeira, Elena; Clares-Gavilán, Judith; Sánchez-Navarro, Jordi
2023-07-25Understanding the Nature of and Identifying and Formulating “Research Problems” in Mixed Methods ResearchYounas, Ahtisham; DURANTE, ANGELA; Fàbregues, Sergi
2023-07-06The utilitarian and hedonic value of immersive experiences on WeChat: examining a dual mediation path leading to users' stickiness and the role of social normsRodriguez-Ardura, Inma; Meseguer-Artola, Antoni
2023-07-06Examining the impact of the platform economy on Spain’s cultural destinations through the lens of free toursRivera García, Jorge; Fernandez-Villaran, Asuncion; Pastor Ruiz, Ricardo
2023-07-17Ethnographic research in translation and interpreting studiesMarin-Lacarta, Maialen; Yu, Chuan
2023-07-15Gender inequalities in the prevalence of low mood and related factors in schooled adolescents during the 2019-2020 school year: DESKcohort projectGonzalez-Casals, Helena; Vives, Jaume; Bosque-Prous, Marina; Folch, Cinta; Drou Roget, Gemma; muntaner, carles; Vives-Cases, Carmen; Barbaglia, María Gabriela; Colom, Joan; Espelt, Albert
2023-09-13Alfabetización digital para la educación social: de las competencias digitales a los conocimientos críticosFernández de Castro Sanabria, Pedro; BRETONES, EVA; Solé Blanch, Jordi; Meneses, Julio; Aranda, Daniel; Sampedro, Víctor
2023-09-21Experiencias de abandono escolar y prácticas contrahegemónicas en la Educación para jóvenes y adultos: El caso de Chile y EspañaContreras-Villalobos, Tabata; Baleriola, Enrique; Neut, Pablo; López, Verónica
2023-09-14Humanitarian logics in the evolution of international societyNantermoz, Olivia; TURAN ZARA, Aslihan
2023-07Camino de una universidad virtual para convertirse en un nodo de conocimiento abierto: el caso de la UOCXarles-Jubany, Gemma; Aguilera Caballero, Bego; Llueca, Ciro; Martínez-Samper, Pastora
2019-10-10Operationalizing and Conceptualizing Quality in Mixed Methods Research: A Multiple Case Study of the Disciplines of Education, Nursing, Psychology, and SociologyFàbregues, Sergi; Paré, Marie-Hélène; Meneses, Julio
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 386