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Title: La construcción conjunta de conocimiento práctico en la formación inicial de los maestros: un análisis de la interacción en tono a los dilemas docentes en contextos colaborativos virtuales
Author: Herrera Pavo, Miguel Ángel
Director: Ordóñez Sierra, Rosario
Rodríguez Vidales, Esther
Others: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Abstract: How student teachers build their practical knowledge during internship in primary schools, and how peer interaction can influence this process. A research project on an intervention programme tries to get insight on these two questions by providing student teachers with a blog about daily practice and a wiki about professional dilemmas for collaborative work. By means of a case study and an interpretive-phenomenological approach, this study tries to understand the context of teaching internship, what processes are favoured when interaction among students is promoted, and how students build their practical knowledge. Results allow making a description of the changes undergone by students in their transition to the role of a teacher, getting evidence of the usefulness of blogs as a space for reflection, showing the collaborative, social, emotional and cognitive processes promoted by interaction, and describing the way in which student teachers build their practical knowledge through an analysis of teaching dilemmas.
Keywords: Initial teacher training
Teaching dilemmas
Collaborative knowledge construction
Interaction analysis
Teaching Journals
Reflective practice
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Issue Date: 15-Dec-2014
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Appears in Collections:Tesis doctorals

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