Articles 291

Articles publicats en revistes.
Artículos publicados en revistas.
Published journal articles.
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 291

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-07-09Community health action and COVID-19 in Barcelona neighbourhoods: responses and challengesParthé, Victoria; Fernandez, Ana; Barbieri, Nicolás; Vazquez, Noelia; González, Inmaculada; Bastida, Andrea; Pasarín, M Isabel
2024-12-18From plain language to clear communication: introduction to the monographic sectionArnall Duch, Anna; Domènech-Bagaria, Ona; Queralt, Sheila
2022-04-07Speakerness, for what? - A response to the rejoindersPujolar, Joan; O'Rourke, Bernadette
2022-04-07Theorizing the speaker and speakerness in applied linguisticsPujolar, Joan; O'Rourke, Bernadette
2023-05-15La evolución de la terminología sobre reproducción asistida en los diccionarios y el corpus de lengua españolaDomènech-Bagaria, Ona; Santamaría-Pérez, Isabel
2022-04-01María José Ragué Arias, pionera en el estudio del teatro contemporáneo hispánico y catalán con perspectiva de géneroNicolau Jiménez, Adriana
2023-12-02El nacionalisme lingüístic postnacional: Universalitzar la parcialitat. Epíleg a la secció monogràfica "Llengua i neutralitat"Pujolar, Joan
2023-10-31The Local and Global Scope of The Year of the Ox. Rethinking Barcelona's Chinese New Year Festival in Pandemic TimesLamas-Abraira, Laura; Colombo, Alba
2025-02The problem of socio-territorial inequality in cultural policies: Unveiling policy frames through Barcelona policies (2019-2023)Zamorano Barrios, Mariano Martín; Barbieri, Nicolás
2024-11-14Professional cultural institutions and the community? Lessons from the first community production of the Barcelona opera houseBarutel Gaspar, Nil; Barbieri, Nicolás
2024-12-01Autogovern per abordar les desigualtats? Polítiques culturals, legitimitat i drets culturals a CatalunyaBarbieri, Nicolás
2024-05-02Zurrando a los pobres. Traducciones del Spleen de Paris de Baudelaire en El Pueblo, Montevideo, 1905Campanella, Lucia
2013Tratamiento de multipalabras en WORDNET 3.0Lloberes, Marina; Oliver, Antoni; Climent, Salvador; Castellón Masalles, Irene
2024-08-06"Tinc talent. Sé que tinc talent!": figures autorials al teatre de les dramaturgues catalanes del segle XXINicolau Jiménez, Adriana
2024-02-20Hugo Fontana, en nombre propioCampanella, Lucia
2024-10-14Corpora and rhetorically informed text analysisOliver, Antoni
2017-10-17A system for terminology extraction and translation equivalent detection in real time Efficient use of statistical machine translation phrase tablesOliver, Antoni
2006-12La traducció automàtica a InternetOliver, Antoni
2007Linguoc LexTerm: Una herramienta gratuita de extracción automática de terminologíaOliver, Antoni; Vàzquez, Mercè; Moré, Joaquim
2019-11-26Using open data to create the catalan IATE e-dictionaryVàzquez, Mercè; Oliver, Antoni; Casademont, Elisabet
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 291