Articles 275

Articles publicats en revistes.
Artículos publicados en revistas.
Published journal articles.
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 275

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-01-25Hegemonía y contrahegemonía en el fenómeno YoutuberVázquez Márquez, Israel; Ardevol, Elisenda
2021-02-02La traducción como práctica política: Les 21 jours d’un neurasthénique de Octave Mirbeau en el periódico anarquista Nuevo RumboCampanella, Lucia
2019-11-29Materialidad digital y acción política: Las cartas a los presos políticos y su circulación en las redes sociales en Brasil y CatalunyaArdevol, Elisenda; Travancas, Isabel
2021-12-01The Potentiality to move mobility and future in digital nomads' practicesArdevol, Elisenda; Matos dos Santos, Patrícia
2016-12-23Voix d’eau : Pascal Quignard et la «voix perdue» des lais bretonsNicolau Jiménez, Adriana; Koble, Nathalie
2024-06-22Narrating Loneliness: Isolation, disaffection, and the contemporary novelRotger, Neus
2023-01To be or not to be a mother: doubtful, fraught, and denied access to motherhood in contemporary Catalan theatreNicolau Jiménez, Adriana
2023-06Repensar el passat per transformar el present. Les genealogies feministes al teatre català contemporaniNicolau Jiménez, Adriana
2024-04-12Mujeres francesas y matrimonio en la Cataluña Moderna (Siglos XVI-XVII)Amengual-Bibiloni, Miquel; Pujadas-Mora, Joana Maria
2024-03-21Between temporalities, imaginaries and imagination: A framework for analysing futuresCantó-Milà, Natàlia; Seebach, Swen
2023-12-02Necessità terminologiche di ambito medico nella Lingua dei Segni Francese della Svizzera romanda: il caso del progetto BabelDrStrasly, Irene; Morales Moreno, Albert
2008-12L'observatori de terminologia Talaia: mètode i processosMoré, Joaquim; Rius Alcaraz, Lluís; Vàzquez, Mercè; Villarejo Muñoz, Luis
2009-02-02L'observatori de terminologia Talaia: un exemple d'innovació per mitjà de la cooperacióMontes, Dolors; Vàzquez, Mercè
2024-04-23Learning to collaborate within transdisciplinarity: Internal barriers and strengths of an art-science encounterGallois, Sandrine; Heras, Maria; Sella, Carlo; Satorras, Mar; Ribera-Fumaz, Ramon; Ruiz-Mallén, Isabel
2024-03-02Throwing ideology away: Yoshimoto Takaaki’s theory of taishū and Terayama Shūji’s film parody of the peoplede Vargas, Ferran
2019-12-02A new methodology for conceptual metaphor detection and formulation in corpora: A case study on a mental health corpusColl-Florit, Marta; Climent, Salvador
2023-12-22Los claroscuros del NO-DOClaret, Jaume
2023-12-02Metaphor repositories: the case of the mental health metaphor dictionaryColl-Florit, Marta; Climent, Salvador
2021-12-23Subversion in Ambiguity: The Female Revenant in three Fantastic Short Stories by Claude Vignon, Edith Nesbit, and Emilia Pardo Bazán (1856–1908)Rosso, Ana
2024-04-17Un Political Compass de los estudios sobre memesSoriano Gómez, Ezequiel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 275