Articles 280

Articles publicats en revistes.
Artículos publicados en revistas.
Published journal articles.
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 280

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-12-02A new methodology for conceptual metaphor detection and formulation in corpora: A case study on a mental health corpusColl-Florit, Marta; Climent, Salvador
2023-12-22Los claroscuros del NO-DOClaret, Jaume
2023-12-02Metaphor repositories: the case of the mental health metaphor dictionaryColl-Florit, Marta; Climent, Salvador
2021-12-23Subversion in Ambiguity: The Female Revenant in three Fantastic Short Stories by Claude Vignon, Edith Nesbit, and Emilia Pardo Bazán (1856–1908)Rosso, Ana
2024-04-17Un Political Compass de los estudios sobre memesSoriano Gómez, Ezequiel
2023-10-26Adherence to WHO's terminology? A multilingual analysis (EN/FR/ES) of COVID-19 terms in supranational (EU) and French and Spanish institutional settings and newspapersMorales Moreno, Albert
2021-12-31What do post-editors correct? A fine-grained analysis of SMT and NMT errorsAlvarez Vidal, Sergi; Oliver, Antoni; Badia, Toni
2023-03-02Reconstruction of the 1974 flash flood in Sóller (Mallorca) using a hydraulic 1D/2D modelThomas, Carys; Stamataki, Ioanna; Rosselló-Geli, Joan
2023-12-02Assessing MT with measures of PE effortAlvarez Vidal, Sergi; Oliver, Antoni
2013-12-15Gust musical, inautenticitat i classe social. Sobre com es signifiquen les jerarquies socials malgrat l’aparent fluïdesa de la cultura popular contemporàniaMartínez, Roger
2022-06-24Infraestructura relacional y reproducción en la escuela: una relectura de Bourdieu en clave interaccionalMartínez, Roger; Gonzàlez Balletbò, Isaac; Benito Pérez, Ricard
2006Nicaraguan Sign Language and Theory of Mind: the issue of critical periods and abilitiesMorgan, Gary; Shepard-Kegl, Judy
2006Classifier learning and modality in a polyglot savantMorgan, Gary; Smith, Neil; Tsimpli, Ianthi; Woll, Bencie
2002Language against the odds: the learning of British Sign Language by a polyglot savantMorgan, Gary; SMITH, NEIL; Tsimpli, Ianthi; Woll, Bencie
2000Discourse cohesion in sign and speechMorgan, Gary
2019-06-02Entre la fractura y la continuidad. El sistema literario catalán durante el primer franquismoGassol Bellet, Olívia
2018-12Community action for health in socioeconomically deprived neighbourhoods in Barcelona: Evaluating its effects on health and social class health inequalitiesPalència, Laia; Rodríguez-Sanz, Maica; López, M. José; Calzada, Nuria; Gallego, Raquel; Morales, Ernesto; Barbieri, Nicolás; Blancafort, Xavier; Bartroli, Montserrat; Pasarín, M Isabel
2014Cultura, políticas públicas y bienes comunes: hacia unas políticas de lo culturalBarbieri, Nicolás
2020-07-15Ciutat Morta/Dead City. Agency, ICTs and critical urban documentary in the Spanish contextRodríguez-Granell, Ana
2020-06-06La arquitectura de la autarquía a través del debate sobre la modernidad: el ideario falangista en proyectos del Instituto Nacional de Colonización y la Obra SindicalRodríguez-Granell, Ana
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 280