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Resultados 31-37 de 37.
Registros encontrados:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2022-01-11Incidents1M: a large-scale dataset of images with natural disasters, damage, and incidentsWeber, Ethan; Lapedriza, Agata; Papadopoulos, Dim P.; Ofli, Ferda; Imran, Muhammad; Torralba, Antonio
2022-05-07Gender and Age Differences in Preferences on Game Elements and PlatformsGonzález-González, Carina Soledad; Toledo Delgado, Pedro Antonio; Muñoz Cruz, Vanesa; Arnedo-Moreno, Joan
2022-12-02Circular economy and information technologies: identifying and ranking the factors of successful practicesNaveed, Wishal; Ammouriova, Majsa; Naveed, Noman; Juan, Angel A.
2022-11-02Detection of glaucoma using three-stage training with EfficientNetde Zarzà i Cubero, I.; de Curtò y DíAz, J.; Calafate, Carlos
2022-07-02Possibilities for futurecasting: designing a digital map of trendsManetti, Alessandro; Lara-Navarra, Pablo; Sánchez-Navarro, Jordi
2022-08-17Web-tracking compliance: websites’ level of confidence in the use of information-gathering technologiesMartínez Sánchez, David; Calle, Eusebi; Jove Canela, Albert; Pérez-Solà, Cristina
2022-01-21Low levels of CIITA and high levels of SOCS1 predict COVID-19 disease severity in children and adultsArgüello-González, Guillermo; Bonet-Carne, Elisenda; Girona, Mònica; Esteve Sole, Ana; Bobillo Perez, Sara; Burgos-Artizzu, Xavier Paolo; Mensa Vilaró, Anna; Codina, Anna; Hernández Garcia, María; Jou, Cristina; Alsina, Laia; Jordan, Iolanda; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Universitat de Barcelona (UB); Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu