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Resultats 11-20 de 59.
Registres trobats:
Data de publicacióTítolAutor(s)
2008Towards the construction of a multi-agent approach for discovering the meaning of natural language collaborative conversationsCasillas Santillan, Luis Alberto; Daradoumis, Thanasis; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Distributed, Parallel and Collaborative Systems (DPCS)
2017-06Using Graphs for Exposing the Underlying Competence Design of Academic DegreesBlasco-Soplon, Laia; Minguillón, Julià
2015-12An online short-film editing machine with a fixed structure and pseudo-infinite combinationsBerga Carreras, Quelic; Minguillón, Julià
2007Efficient enabling of real time user modeling in on-line campusCaballé, Santi; XHAFA, FATOS; Daradoumis, Thanasis; Fernández Correa, Raúl; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Distributed, Parallel and Collaborative Systems (DPCS)
2014Hacia un nuevo modelo docente: curso 'blended' de sistemas digitalesRullán, Mercè; Valderrama, Elena; Deschamps, Jean Pierre; Terés, Lluis; Baneres, David; Saiz, Joaquin; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB); Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV); Centre Nacional de Microelectrònica del CSIC; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
2014-01-02An initial approach for Improving CRM systems implementation projectsLUIS, BIBIANO; Marco-Simó, Josep Maria; Pastor-Collado, Joan A.
2008-10Public Procurement of IS/IT Services: Past Research and Future ChallengesMarco-Simó, Josep Maria; Pastor-Collado, Joan A.; Macau, Rafael
2019-10Why grand strategy games will (already) make teachers obsoleteXalabarde, Alain; Arnedo-Moreno, Joan; Mora Carreño, Alberto
2019-10Site-specific augmented reality gaming for cultural engagement: experience and reflectionHaahr, Mads; Wiil, Pernille Henriette; Buus, Henriette; Arnedo-Moreno, Joan; Mora Carreño, Alberto
2007Efficient embedding of information and knowledge into CSCL applicationsCaballé, Santi; Daradoumis, Thanasis; XHAFA, FATOS; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Distributed, Parallel and Collaborative Systems (DPCS)