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Title: Towards a Social Learning Space for Open Educational Resources
Author: Buckingham Shum, Simon  
Ferguson, Rebecca  
Citation: Buckingham, S.; Ferguson, R. (2010). Towards a Social Learning Space for Open Educational Resources. In Open ED 2010 Proceedings. Barcelona: UOC, OU, BYU. [Accessed: dd/mm/yy]. <>
Abstract: We identify a number of meanings of "Open", as part of the motivating rationale for a social media space tuned for learning, called SocialLearn. We discuss why online social learning seems to be emerging so strongly at this point, explore features of social learning, and identify some of the dimensions that we believe characterize the social learning design space, before describing the emerging design concept and implementation.
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
Issue Date: 15-Sep-2010
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Open Ed Conference 2010 (Barcelona, 2-4 novembre 2010)

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