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Resultados 11-20 de 23.
Registros encontrados:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2021-03-05Nous paradigmes de tributació per l'economia del coneixementBelda, Ignasi; Delgado García, Ana María; Oliver Cuello, Rafael
2021-07-12Effective virtual teamwork development in online higher educationJony, Akinul Islam; Serradell-Lopez, Enric
2021-11-12Impact of feedback in students' engagement: The case of MOOCsFloratos, Nikolaos; Guasch, Teresa; Espasa, Anna
2021-02-09Capacity development through digital informal learning experiences: An exploration of the entrepreneurial competency development of self-employed Canadian mothers using a learning ecologies frameworkJohnson, Nicole; Sangrà, Albert; González Sanmamed, Mercedes
2021-09-23Las Comunidades Virtuales de Aprendizaje en el ámbito de los profesionales sanitarios: oportunidades para la formación médica continuada en línea y el desarrollo profesionalGómez Calderón, María Corpus; Saigí-Rubió, Francesc; Sanz-Martos, Sandra
2021-04-21Feminismes al teatre català contemporani (2000-2019)Nicolau Jiménez, Adriana; Iribarren, Teresa
2021-11-19Decision making in digital health: usage of the cost-effectiveness analysis to improve the sustainability of the healthcare systemPiera-Jiménez, Jordi; Lupiáñez-Villanueva, Francisco; Folkvord, Frans
2021-09-17Applications of the Internet of Things and optimization to inventory and distribution managementRaba Sánchez, David; Juan, Angel A.; Riera Terrén, Daniel
2021-05-03Playing with food: the impact of marketing via online games on children's behaviourTheben, Alexandra Dominique Danielle; Lupiáñez-Villanueva, Francisco; Folkvord, Frans
2021-01-14Work, knowledge and subjective wellbeingViñas Bardolet, Clara; Guillén Royo, Mónica; Torrent-Sellens, Joan