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Resultados 21-30 de 281.
Registros encontrados:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2020-07-03The contribution of lifelong learning ecologies in online higher education: graduate student learning across contextsPeters, Mitchell; Guitert, Montse; Romero Carbonell, Marc
2020-09-16Sustainable Platform Economy: Connections with the Sustainable Development GoalsFuster Morell, Mayo; Espelt, Ricard; Renau Cano, Melissa
2020-10-10La tributación en el IRPF de las arras en la compraventa de bienes inmueblesRovira, Irene
2020-05-22Inequality in times of pandemics: How online media are starting to treat the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisisOdriozola-Chéné, Javier; Díaz-Noci, Javier; Serrano Tellería, Ana; Pérez Arozamena, Rosa; Pérez Altable, Laura; Linares Lanzman, Juan; García Carretero, Lucía; Calvo Rubio, Luis Mauricio; Torres Mendoza, Manuel; Antón Bravo, Adolfo; Universidad Europea del Atlántico; Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Universidad de Castilla la Mancha; Universidad Nebrija; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
2020-10-30Gesture tracking and neural activity segmentation in head-fixed behaving mice by deep learning methodsAbbas, Waseem; Masip Rodó, David
2020-06-02The Street Lamp Paradox: Analysing Students’ Evaluation of Teaching through Qualitative and Quantitative ApproachesGhislandi, Patrizia Maria Margherita; Raffaghelli, Juliana Elisa; Sangrà, Albert; Ritella, Giuseppe; University of Trento; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudis de Psicologia i Ciències de l'Educació; University of Helsinki
2020-02-12Estudio de los mecanismos que inciden en la autorregulación durante el proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo en entornos personales de aprendizajeBarreto Farfán, Jorge Enrique; Duart, Josep M; Fonseca Ramírez, Oscar Hernán
2020-03-03Limbs detection and tracking of head-fixed mice for behavioral phenotyping using motion tubes and deep learningAbbas, Waseem; Masip Rodó, David; Giovannucci, Andrea; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
2020-11-01Male-On-Male Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean Region of Colombia: A Secondary Analysis of Medico-Legal ReportsEscalante, Elsa; Fàbregues, Sergi; Meneses, Julio; García-Vita, María del Mar; Jabba Molinares, Daladier; Barreto, Ricardo; FERREIRA, SANDRA
2020-07-27Co-learning: An open pedagogy for creative arts educationMazzeo, Arianna; Ardevol, Elisenda