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Title: Tecnologías de la información, setiembre 2010
Author: Anaya Torres, Lluís
Barceló García, Miquel
Costa i Pujol, Ramon  
Raventós Moret, Jaume
Sánchez Porras, Xavier
Sebastià Oriol, Ignasi
Vivó i Plans, Jeroni
Director: cavaller, victor  
Others: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Abstract: In the field of information management, knowledge of information technology is crucial to maximize the growing potential of new technologies applied to information. Thus information managers can be a valid interlocutor with IT managers in order to fit any need for information in an organization. The purpose of this course is to establish an information technology solid basis in several aspects, especially regarding to computer systems. This course provides the knowledge of IT potential uses so professionals can be able to communicate effectively with IT technicians.
Keywords: Information technology
data base
artificial intelligence
operating system
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/lecture
Issue Date: Sep-2010
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Appears in Collections:Recursos de aprendizaje UOC
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