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Title: La incorporació de la perspectiva socioeducativa en l'acció policial: Una anàlisis de la situació a la Policia de Catalunya. Comentari del meu treball fi de grau en educació social
Author: Martínez Busom, Jordi
Abstract: This article summarizes the Final Degree Project, in the field of applied research, presented by the student Jordi Martínez Busom in June 2017. It contains the main conclusions and possible measures adopted in his hypothesis. The results are commented from a critical view of reality and possible solutions are presented in the form of recommendations. The objective is to offer a new vision that feeds the reflection of the police practice in order to guarantee the fundamental rights and duties of the citizens of our society.
Keywords: police of Catalonia
socio-educational perspective
mossos d'esquadra
local police
social educators
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 10-Jul-2017
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Bachelor thesis, research projects, etc.

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