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Title: Open Educational Resources: an opportunity for virtual learning institutions
Author: Córcoles, César  
Megias, David  
Minguillón, Julià  
Ferran, Nuria  
Valverde García, Llorenç
Citation: Córcoles, C.P.; Ferran, N.; Minguillón, J.; Megías, D. (2006). "Open Educational Resources: an opportunity for virtual learning institutions". A:EADTU 06. EADTU. Tallinn. 23 de Noviembre.
Abstract: The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC, Open University of Catalonia) is involved in several research projects and educational activities related to the use of Open Educational Resources (OER). Some of the discussed issues in the concept of OER are research issues which are being tackled in two EC projects (OLCOS and SELF). Besides the research part, the UOC aims at developing a virtual centre for analysing and promoting the concept of OER in Europe in the sector of Higher and Further Education. The objectives are to make information and learning services available to provide university management staff, eLearning support centres, faculty and learners with practical information required to create, share and re-use such interoperable digital content, tools and licensing schemes. In the realisation of these objectives, the main activities are the following: to provide organisational and individual e-learning end-users with orientation; to develop perspectives and useful recommendations in the form of a medium-term Roadmap 2010 for OER in Higher and Further Education in Europe; to offer practical information and support services about how to create, share and re-use open educational content by means of tutorials, guidelines, best practices, and specimen of exemplary open e-learning content; to establish a larger group of committed experts throughout Europe and other continents who not only share their expertise but also steer networking, workshops, and clustering efforts; and to foster and support a community of practice in open e-learning content know-how and experiences.
Keywords: OER
Open Educational Resources
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
Issue Date: 2006
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Appears in Collections:Conference lectures

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