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Title: RDA y BIBFRAME. Hacia el nuevo paradigma de catalogación
Author: Cormenzana López, Roberto  
Tutor: López-Borrull, Alexandre  
Abstract: Within the current information society, users preferably go to the Internet search engines to consult the information they want to know. However, libraries have not traditionally been able to contribute the va-luable data residing in their catalogs to the results obtained by search engines, mainly because they have been stored and displayed in a non-readable format for the Web. To overcome this handicap, the library community is undertaking a process of evolution in the way of describing the bibliographic resources and authority records housed by its institutions. This implies the establishment of a new conceptual model (LRM, Library Reference Model), new cataloging guidelines (RDA, Resource Description and Access) and a new bibliographic framework (BIBFRAME) -focused on the Semantic Web and the mechanisms of Linked Data-, to the detriment of long-established cataloging rules and MARC digital format. The transformative process involves major changes to be addressed gradually, and the national libraries -largely sustained by the initiatives and support of the Library of Congress and the RDA Steering Committee- are the main sponsors and those that trace the path to be followed by the rest of the libraries. Institutions in Spain begin to tackle the paradigm shift, as it happens in the rest of the world. They face a series of cross-roads, due in large part to the huge amount of changes and developments that the standards and the con-tent of the major pieces that make up the new cataloging puzzle are undergoing, and the lack of communication between entities responsible for its implementation. However, it should not be an excuse to wait for better days, because it is vital to learn from the experience and opinions provided by professionals who evaluate the proposals. The main current challenges include cataloging in RDA with MARC, as well as the publication of catalogs in linked open data portals. However, professionals and users will not perceive the real advantages of the new cataloging philosophy until BIBFRAME is definitively incorporated as the bibliographic exchange environment.
Keywords: Semantic Web
bibliographic description
linked data
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: Dec-2017
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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