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Títol: Combining Monte Carlo simulation with heuristics to solve a rich and real-life multi-depot vehicle routing problem
Autoria: Alemany Giménez, Gabriel
García Sánchez, Álvaro
de Armas, Jesica  
García Meizoso, Roberto
Juan, Angel A.  
Ortega Mier, Miguel
Citació: Alemany, G., Garcia, A., De Armas, J., Garcia, R., Juan, A. & Ortega, M. (2016). Combining Monte Carlo Simulation with Heuristics to Solve a Rich and Real-life Multi-depot Vehicle Routing Problem. Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). Proceedings, 2016 (). 2466-2474. doi: 10.1109/WSC.2016.7822285
Resum: This paper presents an optimization approach which integrates Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) within a heuristic algorithm in order to deal with a rich and real-life vehicle routing problem. A set of customers' orders must be delivered from different depots and using a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles. Also, since the capacity of the firm's depots is limited, some vehicles might need to be replenished using external tanks. The MCS component, which is based on the use of a skewed probability distribution, allows to transform a deterministic heuristic into a probabilistic procedure. The geometric distribution is used to guide the local search process during the generation of high-quality solutions. The efficiency of our approach is tested against a real-world instance. The results show that our algorithm is capable of providing noticeable savings in short computing times.
Paraules clau: ruta per a vehicles
mètodes Monte Carlo
distribució de productes
tramitació de la comanda
distribucions estadístiques
DOI: 10.1109/WSC.2016.7822285
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
Data de publicació: des-2016
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