Articles 3406

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Ítems de Col·lecció (Ordenats per Data dʹenviament en ordre Descendent): 261 al 280 de 3406

Data de publicacióTítolAutor(s)
2024-01-02Incorporating climate justice into adaptation planning: The case of San FranciscoStrange, Kaitlin; March, Hug; Satorras, Mar
2024-01-11A systematic review on experimental studies about patient adherence to treatmentFolkvord, Frans; Roca-Umbert, Ana; van Houten, Karlijn; Liefveld, Adriaan Rudolf; Ingebretsen Carlson, Jim; Bol, Nadine; Krahmer, Emiel; Beets, Gwenn; Drbohlav Ollerton, Rachel; Turk, Eva; Hrubos-Strøm, Harald; Nahoui, Hamza; Einvik, Gunnar; Schirmer, Henrik; Moen, Anne; Barrio Cortes, Jaime; Merino-Barbancho, Beatriz; Arroyo Gallego, Peña; Fico, Giuseppe; Midão, Luís; Sampaio, Rute; Fonseca, João; Geipel, Katja; Scheckenbach, Kathrin; de Ruiter, Laura E.; Lupiáñez-Villanueva, Francisco
2017-12-02Doing digital team ethnography: being there together and digital social dataBeneito-Montagut, Roser; Begueria, Arantza; Cassián Yde, Nizaiá
2023-11-05El desarrollo de la justicia restaurativa en España y su prohibición en casos de violencia sexual y de género: reflexiones a partir de la LO 10/2022 y la nueva Ley Foral 4/2023 de NavarraRomero Seseña, Pablo
2023-11-13Preference for teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: an exploratory studyPeñarroja, Vicente
2023-11-22Modeling and enforcing access control policies in conversational user interfacesPlanas, Elena; Martínez, Salvador; Brambilla, Marco; Cabot, Jordi
2023-10-05Burden and anticipatory grief in caregivers of family members with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementiasPérez González, Alba; Vilajoana Celaya, Josep; GUARDIA-OLMOS, JOAN
2023-09-23Masculine nations, queer bodies and the in/visibilities of genderEnguix, Begonya
2023-12-04High-density transcranial direct current stimulation to improve upper limb motor function following stroke: study protocol for a double-blind randomized clinical trial targeting prefrontal and/or cerebellar cognitive contributions to voluntary motionCorominas-Teruel, Xavier; Bracco, Martina; Fibla Simó, Montserrat; San Segundo, Rosa M; Villalobos-Llaó, Marc; Gallea, Cecile; Béranger, Benoît; Toba, Monica; Valero-Cabré, Antoni; Colomina, Maria Teresa
2023-12-08Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial to assess safety of teleconsultation compared with face-to-face consultation: the ECASeT studyRodríguez-Molinero, Alejandro; Carot-Sans, Gerard; Escrig Sarreta, Roser; Tebé, Cristian; Arce Gil, Jacobo; Pérez-López, Carlos; Ballesta, Silvia; Verdejo, Guillermo; Cedeño, Ángel; Riera-Pagespetit, Mar; Vivas-Angeles, Sofia; Alarcon, Jose L.; Navarro, Itziar; Toro, Silvia; Mateo, Llorenç; Torres, Ana J.; Delmás, Gerard; Camell, Helena; Chamero, Antonio; Gasol, Montse; Piera-Jiménez, Jordi
2023-12-02Space, identity and festivals. Spatial empowerment and the construction of identity discourses through the lens of heritage festival organizersGonzález-Reverté, Francesc
2024-07On the generalization of Deep Learning models for AoA estimation in Bluetooth indoor scenariosPisa, Ivan; Boquet Pujadas, Guillem; Vilajosana, Xavier; Martínez Huerta, Borja
2023-05-03Making cultural and tourist attractions accessible and inclusive for people with disability through value co-creation amidst COVID-19: a critical discourse analysisCerdan-Chiscano, Monica; Darcy, Simon
2021-12-23Subversion in Ambiguity: The Female Revenant in three Fantastic Short Stories by Claude Vignon, Edith Nesbit, and Emilia Pardo Bazán (1856–1908)Rosso, Ana
2023/12/06Vital role for primary healthcare providers: urgent need to educate the community about daily nutritional self-care to support immune function and maintain healthCalder, Philip; Bach-Faig, Anna; Bevacqua, Martina Teresa; Caballero, Chrystopherson; Chen, Zheng- Yu; Connolly, Daragh; Lee Koay, Wan; Meydani, Simin N; Pinar, Ari- Sentug; Ribas Filho, Durval; Pierre, Adeline
2023-12-18Tourism and degrowthMurray, Ivan; Fletcher, Robert; Blázquez-Salom, Macia; Blanco-Romero, Asunción; Cañada Mullor, Ernest; Sekulova, Filka
2024-04-17Un Political Compass de los estudios sobre memesSoriano Gómez, Ezequiel
2023-12-05The New Normal: Multifaceted and Multidimensional Crises and the Interplay of Geoeconomics and GeopoliticsCoetzer, Jon-Hans ; Rajmil, Daniel; Morales, Lucía
2023-10-02Geoeconomic and Geopolitical Dynamics of Water Scarcity in Oil-Rich Economies: The Case of KuwaitAlzankawi, Abrar; Morales, Lucía; Andreosso, Bernadette; Rajmil, Daniel
2024-04-08Tourism content on Twitter (X) during a crisisGaray, Lluis; Roelofsen, Maartje
Ítems de Col·lecció (Ordenats per Data dʹenviament en ordre Descendent): 261 al 280 de 3406