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Title: La disparidad entre la participación y la posición de las mujeres en la investigación TIC: el caso del Plan Nacional de I+D
Author: Castaä‘o Collado, Cecilia  
González Ramos, Ana M.  
Others: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
Citation: Castaño Collado, C. & González Ramos, A.M. (2008). La disparidad entre la participación y la posición de las mujeres en la investigación TIC: el caso del Plan Nacional de I+D. Mi+d: revista de investigación en la gestión de la innovación y tecnología, (número Extraordinario 21), 118-126.
Abstract: The increasing of relevance of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) activity would meant a positive remodel for the female position in the labour market and, especially, in the research career. Nevertheless data unconfirmed this argument, since the structures embed deeply in society also affect to this new sector. Scientific and technological policies must take on the challenge enlarge the opportunities to women, who are differential and worthy profile. The Plan Nacional as tool of this policy must support, with concrete measures, these challenges. Gender equity, human resources in science and technology, evaluation of science and technology policies, ICT-related careers, women participation in research.
Keywords: gender equity
human resources in science and technology
evaluation of science and technology policies
ICT careers
women participation in research
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2008
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Appears in Collections:Articles cientÍfics

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