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dc.contributor.authorSaltelli, Andrea-
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)-
dc.identifier.citationAndrea, S. (2018). Why science's crisis should not become a political battling ground. Futures, 104(), 85-90. doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2018.07.006-
dc.description.abstractA science war is in full swing which has taken science's reproducibility crisis as a battleground. While conservatives and corporate interests use the crisis to weaken regulations, their opponent deny the existence of a science's crisis altogether. Thus, for the conservative National Association of Scholars NAS the crisis is real and due to the progressive assault on higher education with ideologies such as neo-Marxism, radical feminism, historicism, post-colonialism, deconstructionism, post-modernism, liberation theology. In the opposite field, some commentators claim that there is no crisis in science and that saying the opposite is irresponsible. These positions are to be seen in the context of the ongoing battle against regulation, of which the new rules proposed at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are but the last chapter. In this optic, Naomi Oreskes writes on Nature that what constitutes the crisis is the conservatives' attack on science. This evident right-left divide in the reading of the crisis is unhelpful and dangerous to the survival of science itself. An alternative reading ignored by the contendents would suggest that structural contradictions have emerged in modern science, and that addressing these should be the focus of our attention.en
dc.relation.ispartofFutures, 2018, 104()-
dc.rightsCC BY-
dc.subjectscience's reproducibilityen
dc.subjectscience's crisisen
dc.subjectscience's waren
dc.subjectpost-normal scienceen
dc.subjectevidence-based policyen
dc.subjecthistory and philosophy of scienceen
dc.subjectscience and technology studiesen
dc.subjectreproducibilidad en cienciaes
dc.subjectcrisis de la cienciaes
dc.subjectguerras de la cienciaes
dc.subjectciencia post-normales
dc.subjectpolítica basada en la evidenciaes
dc.subjecthistoria y filosofía de la cienciaes
dc.subjectestudios de ciencia y tecnologíaes
dc.subjectreproductibilitat a la ciènciaca
dc.subjectcrisi de la ciènciaca
dc.subjectguerres de la ciènciaca
dc.subjectciència post-normalca
dc.subjectpolítica basada en provesca
dc.subjecthistòria i filosofia de la ciènciaca
dc.subjectestudis sobre ciència i tecnologiaca
dc.subject.lcshScience -- Philosophyen
dc.titleWhy science's crisis should not become a political battling ground-
dc.subject.lemacCiència -- Filosofiaca
dc.subject.lcshesCiencia -- Filosofíaes
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