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Títol: Habilidades directivas y diferencias de género en el sector público: El caso de Córdoba (España)
Altres títols: Managerial skills and gender differences in the public sector: The case of Córdoba (Spain)
Autoria: Pereda Pérez, Francisco Javier
López Guzmán, Tomás
González Santa Cruz, Francisco
Citació: Pereda-Pérez, F. J., López-Guzmán, T., & Cruz, F. G. -. (2018). Habilidades directivas y diferencias de género en el sector público: El caso de Córdoba (España). Revista Espanola De Ciencia Politica, 1(46), 199-230. doi:10.21308/recp.46.09
Resum: This article aims to approach the analysis of managerial skills and their assessment at the managerial and subordinate level, introducing a gender perspective. The conclusions of a research on management skills in the public sector of Córdoba (Spain) are presented. Based on a survey to public officials carried out in the four administrations in Córdoba, the main findings suggest that people employed in the public sector recognize and value efficiency in professional performance as the most relevant attribute, as well as the ability to learn and collaboration and teamwork. The results show that women value and present better scores than men with respect to the following qualities: determination, initiative, organization/effectiveness and friendliness of treatment. These results offer a positive perspective on the progress being made in the field of gender equality. © Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 2018.
DOI: 10.21308/recp.46.09
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Versió del document: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Data de publicació: 24-mar-2018
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