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Title: ¡Esta película la hacemos entre todos! Crowdsourcing y crodwfunding como prácticas colaborativas en la producción audiovisual contemporánea
Author: Roig Telo, Antoni
Sánchez-Navarro, Jordi  
Leibovitz Libedinsky, Talia
Citation: Roig, A., Sánchez-Navarro, J. & Leibovitz Libedisnky, T. (2011). ¡Esta película la hacemos entre todos! Crowdsourcing y crodwfunding como prácticas colaborativas en la producción audiovisual contemporánea. Icono 14: revista de comunicación y tecnologías emergentes, 10(1), 25-40. doi: 10.7195/ri14.v10i1.113
Abstract: This paper focuses on the analysis of a series of emerging creative practices of particular relevance in the field of audiovisual media production, particularly those that tend to cluster around two terms of increasing popularity: crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. These terms are considered key concepts to explain the dynamics of contemporary cultural creation, mainly from two points of view: first, because they imply the involvement of large numbers of participants; second, because they become exponents of what is considered a radical reinvention of the relationship between producers and audiences in the various processes that enable the materialization of a creative project. This second factor establishes a clear link with a broader cultural trend: the greater engagement of publics in their own cultural consumption. This fact requires to reconsider the definition and the boundaries that traditionally surround the agents involved in circuits of cultural production. While this tendency can easily lead us to think about the democratization of audiovisual production and the empowerment of the publics, a thorough approach is required to take into account the different resistances, contradictions and ambiguities that lie behind this complexity. This paper attempts to contribute to this debate from the discussion, based on case examples, of the diversity of practices around the discourse on crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, highlighting both their potential and their limits.
Keywords: Crowdsourcing
participatory culture
audiovisual projects
DOI: 10.7195/ri14.v10i1.113
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Issue Date: 12-May-2011
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