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Title: Disseny d'una aplicació web per a la integració, visualització i anàlisi de les dades genòmiques obtingudes del projecte Pan-Cancer Whole Genome Sequencing (PCAWGS)
Author: Pedrola Gómez, Anna
Others: Prados Carrasco, Ferran  
Abstract: This master's final project, located in the field of cancer genomics is based on the data of the recently published international project Pan-Cancer Analyzes of Whole Genome Sequences (PCAWGS). This project contains more than 2800 samples of the complete sequencing of the genome (WGS), for up to 40 different types of cancer. This data includes: copy number alterations (CNA), structural variants (SV), expression data and clinical data. In this project we have used PCAWGS data for the calculation of some variables of great interest in the genetics of the current cancer, which are immunophenoscore (IPS) and scores of CNA (BSC and FCS), with the purpose of integrating these new data to the set of PCAWGS and study the impact of CNAs and SVs in the immune characteristics of tumours. As a result, a database was created to contain such calculations and from which a web application has been developed with the Python Django framework, in order to provide clinical research groups a tool of simple and intuitive visualization, to extract information about the relationships of these variables in many different cancer types to interpret and complement their studies.
Keywords: whole genome sequence
gene expression
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 5-Jun-2019
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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