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Title: L'ús d'insectes com a nou ingredient pel disseny de productes alimentaris
Author: Riera Valentí, Imma
Tutor: de Lamo Castellví, Sílvia  
Abstract: The consumption of insects has evidence that began between 2000 and 2500 BC roughly in many Eastern countries and tropical zones of Central America, while in western countries they generate a disgust reaction. We have begun to investigate their properties and affirms that insects and their metamorphic phases present nutritional properties, while at the same time their rearing uses less resources and less waste is generated than in the resting of the rest of animals, therefore, the breeding of insects is more sustainable for the environment. Insects are an important source of proteins, lipids and micronutrients such as calcium, iron and zinc. All this set of properties causes insects to be a food to keep in mind for the future. It is studied to introduce the insects into the feeding of the population that does not have entomophagy as a habit, either directly, or as ingredients of new food products. For this reason, good legislation and the application of HACCP are important to ensure good hygienic practices in order to consume these organisms. The aim of this study is to know entomophagy, with the benefits and risks involved, as well as the production systems and the legislation that regulates it.
Keywords: entomophagy
feeding of the future
edible insects
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: May-2019
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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