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Títol: Which Internet policy? Assessing regional initiatives in Spain
Autoria: Jordana Casajuana, Jacint
Fernández Marín, Xavier
Sancho Royo, David
Welp, Yanina
Altres: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Citació: Jordana, J, Fernández, X, Sancho, D & Welp, Y. (2005). Which Internet policy? Assessing regional initiatives in Spain. The Information Society: An international Journal, 21(5), 341-351. doi: 10.1080/01972240500253509
Resum: We examine the effect of public policy on the growth of Internet use. Using a decentralized country -Spain- as an example, we compare the 17 Spanish regions to test different Internet policy designs, taking into account the quality and number of specific programs promoted by regional governments, as well as the presence or absence of strategic planning in each region. We treat the percentage of Internet users as a dependent variable to compare its diffusion in different territories. Our findings show that educational levels and economic differences explain about half of the variations observed. Furthermore, the regional policies play a significant role in explaining regional variations. We investigate which public policy instruments are more significant for the development of the Internet, and find that focused policy intervention and complex policy initiatives are more significant than other policy instruments in explaining the increase in the percentage of Internet users.
Paraules clau: polítiques TIC
difusió d'Internet
coordinació de polítiques
instruments polítics
política regional
planificació estratègica
DOI: 10.1080/01972240500253509
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Data de publicació: nov-2005
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