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Title: El treball del procés d'escriptura i les seues dificultats mitjançant l'aprenentatge cooperatiu: una revisió bibliogràfica
Author: Monzó Santamaría, Esther
Tutor: Iglesias Barbany, Silvia  
Abstract: At one society as technologically taught to read and write, the writing is an arena of the communication that coverts at one essential tool for the fit at the information and at his posterior transmission. As a result, the process of education-learning of this metalinguistic ability is the base of the future curricular, pedagogical and personal learnings. This text centres on developing a review of the literature regarding the process of writing, its difficulties and the influence of cooperative learning on its development. From review of the literature, it establishes some hypotheses and some objectives for investigation. Initially, a search of two databases obtained 4.121 results published between 2011 and 2020. From this 45 articles were selected. Next, with a focused analyses of each of them, 10 articles coincided closely with this investigation. All these include distinct agents of the process of education-learning and touch on the theme from a different perspective. However, this identified an important quantity of contributions, which establish a notable base for future work. As a result, the review has demonstrated that cooperative work is a significant teaching strategy that positively influences not only the practices of writing and the work of addressing its difficulties, but also other areas of relevance to the Primary Education stage.
Keywords: learning difficulties
primary education
cooperative groups
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 30-Jun-2020
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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