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Title: Necessitats emocionals en l'alumnat amb dislèxia. Orientacions per a la detecció i intervenció psicopedagògica
Author: Chacón Delgado, Inma
Tutor: Banque Martínez, Neus
Abstract: Dyslexia is the most common and most studied learning disorder (LD). Most studies have focused on describing the causes and guiding intervention, but the latest lines of research, to which this work adds, focus on the emotional difficulties it causes. To do this, a questionnaire was administered to primary school teachers and educational psychologists in order to find out their assessment of these difficulties and their conception of their ability to deal with these situations, in order to guide actions to improve educational psychology intervention in the school context.
Keywords: prevalence
learning disabilities
emotional difficulties
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jun-2020
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Appears in Collections:Treballs finals de carrera, treballs de recerca, etc.

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