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dc.contributor.authorRomero Carbonell, Marc-
dc.contributor.authorGuitert, Montse-
dc.contributor.authorBullen, Mark-
dc.contributor.authorMorgan, Tannis-
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)-
dc.contributor.otherBritish Columbia Institute of Technology-
dc.contributor.otherJustice Institute of British Columbia-
dc.identifier.citationRomero, M., Guitert, M., Bullen, M. & Morgan, T. (2011). Learning in Digital: An Approach to Digital Learners in the UOC Scenario. European Journal of Open and Distance Learning, Best of EDEN 2010.-
dc.description.abstractSome authors (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005; Palfrey & Gasser, 2008, Prensky, 2005; Tapscott, 2009), describe the existence of a new generation of people that have spent their childhood surrounded by media and computing, and who have a more intuitive and deeper knowledge of ICT than previous generations. These authors contend that this has affected their experience of learning, as it is believed that they have different thought patterns compared to previous generations (Tapscott, 1998). From this perspective, the vast majority of university students could be considered within this so-called Net Generation as they "were born after the year 1980" (Oblinger & Oblinger 2005 p.12). According to the literature, the Net Generation has been in contact with ICT since early childhood, and that allows them to adapt quickly and efficiently to technological revolutions.en
dc.publisherEuropean Journal of Open and Distance Learning-
dc.relation.ispartofEuropean Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 2011, Best of EDEN 2010-
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-ND-
dc.subjectdigital learnersen
dc.subjectnet generationen
dc.subjecthigher educationen
dc.subjectestudiants digitalsca
dc.subjectgeneració digitalca
dc.subjecteducació superiorca
dc.subjectestudiantes digitaleses
dc.subjectgeneración digitales
dc.subjecteducación superiores
dc.subject.lcshGeneration Yen
dc.titleLearning in digital: an approach to digital learners in the UOC scenario-
dc.subject.lemacGeneració Yca
dc.subject.lcshesGeneración Yes
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