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Title: Incidencia de la modernidad sobre la inestabilidad de la institucionalidad democrática en América Latina: Una perspectiva desde la razón instrumental
Author: Huggins Molina, Katiuska Ivanna
Tutor: Muntadas Figueras, Borja  
Abstract: Modernity is a complex process to analyze and with many points of view both for its understanding and its questioning, however, it is unquestionable that this process has significantly affected the evolution of several societies that did not go through a natural process of assimilation and self-management for a change of order, which generated new forms of coexistence for their own survival, as is the case of the Latin American region. The crisis of the Latin American region could be in the framework of the erosion of a type of political management rationality that derives in tensions between the State and society as a crisis of representativeness of the institutions that is reflected in the loss of social consensus. The permanent conflict evidences the inability of the political space to contribute to solutions because social interaction is regulated by a system of norms that do not allow free citizen practices of the social collective. The development of politics loses its relationship with the practical reason of social management producing a type of action of the institutions under a technical rationality to guide the ends of society in an instrumental way leaving aside the importance of discursive and communicative practices for democratic stability.
Keywords: modernity
instrumental reason
Latin America
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 7-Jul-2021
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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