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Title: Implantación de Ciclos Formativos de grado superior en modalidad Blended Learning en el IES Rodanas
Author: Ibarz Puyal, María Luz
Tutor: Cerdan, Agustí  
Abstract: IES Rodanas has several professional families among its educational offer. The pandemic and an increase in the number of companies in the area, favoured by the establishment of the company bonÀrea in the area, raises the possibility that this offer has other options. The aim of this TFM is to study the feasibility of the implementation of higher level training courses in Administration and Finance and Multiplatform Applications Design in blended learning mode. Once the socio-economic environment, the type of students and the needs of the working environment have been analysed, surveys have been carried out both among the teaching staff who give classes in the training cycles that are the object of the proposal, and among the students who are either currently studying the training cycles and those who studied them in the past, or those who studied them in the present. and those who have studied them in recent years. The determination of the physical and technological needs on the one hand, and on the other, the training needs for the teaching staff who are going to teach in the blended learning modality, mark the starting point for the following phases of the project. the starting point for the following phases in the planning of the proposal. Finally, the timetable for the application of the different phases, the design of activities, the implementation of a pilot course and the evaluation of this course for the subsequent development of the course are determined. This work shows that the implementation of blended learning in a rural public secondary school will contribute to minimise the existing depopulation in rural Spain thanks to the possibility of accessing better training, which will contribute to improving access to the world of work and promotion for those who are already in it, all of this reconciling the personal and family facet with the work and academic facet.
Keywords: professional training
professional project (management)
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: Jan-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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