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Títol: Regional grey matter microstructural changes and volume loss according to disease duration in multiple sclerosis patients
Autoria: Solana, Elisabeth  
Martínez de las Heras, Eloy
Montal, Victor  
Vilaplana, Eduard
Lopez-Soley, Elisabet  
Radua, Joaquim  
Sola-Valls, Nuria  
Montejo, Carmen
Blanco, Yolanda
Pulido Valdeolivas, Irene
Sepúlveda, Maria
Andorrà, Magí  
Berenguer, Joan
Villoslada, Pablo
Martinez Lapiscina, Elena H.
Prados Carrasco, Ferran  
Saiz, Albert  
Fortea, Juan  
Llufriu, Sara  
Altres: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. eHealth Center
Citació: Solana, E., Martinez-Heras, E., Montal, V. et al. Regional grey matter microstructural changes and volume loss according to disease duration in multiple sclerosis patients. Sci Rep 11, 16805 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-96132-x
Resum: The spatio-temporal characteristics of grey matter (GM) impairment in multiple sclerosis (MS) are poorly understood. We used a new surface-based diffusion MRI processing tool to investigate regional modifications of microstructure, and we quantified volume loss in GM in a cohort of patients with MS classified into three groups according to disease duration. Additionally, we investigated the relationship between GM changes with disease severity. We studied 54 healthy controls and 247 MS patients classified regarding disease duration: MS1 (less than 5 years, n = 67); MS2 (5-15 years, n = 107); and MS3 (more than15 years, n = 73). We compared GM mean diffusivity (MD), fractional anisotropy (FA) and volume between groups, and estimated their clinical associations. Regional modifications in diffusion measures (MD and FA) and volume did not overlap early in the disease, and became widespread in later phases. We found higher MD in MS1 group, mainly in the temporal cortex, and volume reduction in deep GM and left precuneus. Additional MD changes were evident in cingulate and occipital cortices in the MS2 group, coupled to volume reductions in deep GM and parietal and frontal poles. Changes in MD and volume extended to more than 80% of regions in MS3 group. Conversely, increments in FA, with very low effect size, were observed in the parietal cortex and thalamus in MS1 and MS2 groups, and extended to the frontal lobe in the later group. MD and GM changes were associated with white matter lesion load and with physical and cognitive disability. Microstructural integrity loss and atrophy present differential spatial predominance early in MS and accrual over time, probably due to distinct pathogenic mechanisms that underlie tissue damage.
Paraules clau: image processing
multiple sclerosis
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-96132-x
Tipus de document: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Data de publicació: 19-ago-2021
Llicència de publicació: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/es/  
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