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Title: Estudi per confirmar o desestimar una proposta d'emplaçament urbà per a Alphabet Inc. (Google)
Author: Garcia Garcia, Alba
Tutor: Suau Soler, Irene
Gonzalez Flores, Conxita
Abstract: The place of residence has an impact on people and on many aspects of their lives, just as residents condition and modify the place where they live. This thesis focuses on a specific part of Barcelona, the 22@ district, and on the impact and changes caused to the residents on the real estate market based on the supposedly fictitious case of the arrival of one of the biggest companies in the world. The 22@ district has transformed a part of Barcelona and turned it into a very attractive place for companies, investors and talent, be it national or international. This transformation has an impact on the real estate market that translated into a rise on demand and prices and into migratory movements inside the district, the adjacent districts and the city as a whole. Understanding the impact, positive and negative, of this ecosystem's emerging zones on the residential real estate market is important to understand the environment of the companies that settle there and the possibilities at short, medium and long term. It is also important to understand what the residents think about the company that wants to settle in, when it can have a big impact, to avoid situations that could cause harm to the company's reputation. This study focuses on understanding the perception on different aspects of the studied zones, the real estate market and the company in question. This research uses qualitative and quantitative investigation techniques focused on the opinion of the residents of these zones and on the businesses and workers of this ecosystem.
Keywords: Google
real estate market
housing prices
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Issue Date: 12-Jun-2022
Publication license:  
Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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