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Title: Storyjumper, una oportunidad para trabajar las destrezas productivas en inglés de forma colaborativa
Author: Maz Cano, Sandra
Tutor: Moncada Comas, Balbina  
Abstract: This study is a clear example of how a technological tool can be used effectively to develop productive skills in English (L2), and in a collaborative way, in learners at different levels of Primary Education. It will be observed, given the project's competency-based approach, that students will progress in their oral and written expression in L2, as well as thrive in transversal aspects such as creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, self-reflection and improved coexistence with students of different ages. This will be supported by their involvement in the project itself, as they will be the central figures in the teaching-learning process in which the teacher will be a guide ready to provide the necessary scaffolding for the students to achieve the objectives set. At the same time, a didactic proposal is offered for the implementation of the tool, in two real classrooms, and a qualitative evaluation system that will culminate in a final assessment of its usefulness with respect to the development of the aforementioned skills. Likewise, the attention to diversity in the different classrooms will be a constant commitment that involves teachers and learners alike under the main guidelines of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL), bringing the responsible use of the selected tool closer and offering the same opportunities, in the technological and teaching fields, to all students.
Keywords: productive skills
competency approach
digital tool
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Issue Date: 12-Jun-2022
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Appears in Collections:Trabajos finales de carrera, trabajos de investigación, etc.

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