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Title: Neurocognitive profile of the post-COVID condition in adults in catalonia—a mixed method prospective cohort and nested case–control study: study protocol
Author: Dacosta Aguayo, Rosalia  
Lamonja Vicente, Noemí  
Chacón Valera, Carla  
Carrasco Ribelles, Lucía Amalia  
Montero-Alía, Pilar  
Costa-Garrido, Anna  
García-Sierra, Rosa  
López-Lifante, Víctor-Miguel  
Moreno Gabriel, Eduard  
Massanella, Marta  
Puig, Josep  
Muñoz-Moreno, Jose A.  
Mateu, Lourdes  
Prats, Anna  
Rodríguez, Carmina T.  
Mataró, Maria
G Prado, Julia  
Martínez-Cáceres, Eva  
Violán, Concepció  
Torán-Monserrat, Pere  
Others: Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol
Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Institut Català de la Salut
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
Universitat de Girona
Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Citation: Dacosta-Aguayo, R., Lamonja-Vicente, N., Chacón, C., Carrasco-Ribelles, L. A., Montero-Alia, P., Costa-Garrido, A., García-Sierra, R., et al. (2022). Neurocognitive Profile of the Post-COVID Condition in Adults in Catalonia—A Mixed Method Prospective Cohort and Nested Case–Control Study: Study Protocol. Vaccines, 10(6), 849. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
Abstract: The diagnosis of the post-COVID condition is usually achieved by excluding other diseases; however, cognitive changes are often found in the post-COVID disorder. Therefore, monitoring and treating the recovery from the post-COVID condition is necessary to establish biomarkers to guide the diagnosis of symptoms, including cognitive impairment. Our study employs a prospected cohort and nested case–control design with mixed methods, including statistical analyses, interviews, and focus groups. Our main aim is to identify biomarkers (functional and structural neural changes, inflammatory and immune status, vascular and vestibular signs and symptoms) easily applied in primary care to detect cognitive changes in post-COVID cases. The results will open up a new line of research to inform diagnostic and therapeutic decisions with special considerations for cognitive impairment in the post-COVID condition.
Keywords: post-COVID condition
cognitive symptoms
neuropsychologic symptoms
quality of life
magnetic resonance imaging
immune response
Document type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Version: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Issue Date: 26-May-2022
Publication license:  
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